
Cross-compiling Dropbear and rsync for Android

I use rsync to sync my music to and back up the files from my Nexus 4. However, with the release of Android 5, my Android binaries of rsync and dropbear (which I’m using as an SSH client for rsync) refused to run with the message error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported. This is because Android 5 only allows binaries compiled using the -pie switch to make them position independent. Read more

Get Dolby Digital working over HDMI for XBMC on Nvidia ION

I got Dolby Digital (AC3) working over HDMI on my ASUS AT3IONT-I running XBMC Live, XBMCbuntu and OpenELEC, and wanted to share the solution in case it saves anyone else some time. Read more

How to get your site listed in search engines

This is an often discussed topic between website owners, as obviously the traffic for most sites comes from search engines, so everyone is as keen as each other to get as high as possible!  It is also an area where an awful lot of rubbish and speculation gets stated as fact, so make sure that you take 'facts' stated about the topic with a good pinch of salt. Read more

Why the meta keywords tag is a waste of time

Adding metadata to information or content makes it easier for computers to sort it, and therefore allows people to better find what they need.  So why shouldn’t you bother with the keywords tag on your website? Read more

Protecting against SQL injection using MySQL with PHP

If you are running a dynamic website coded in PHP, chances are you’ll be using MySQL for storing content or information. However, it is easy to overlook potential security problems, especially if you don’t have much experience. Read more