Rsync for Tasker

An Android app providing Tasker plugin actions to allow running rsync over SSH.

Tasker is a very useful and widely used automation app for Android with a plugin architecture that allows other apps (such as this one) to add extra functionality.

This app provides the following actions for use within Tasker:

The packaged native binaries of Dropbear and rsync are my own builds which I keep updated with new releases.

Reasons for requested permissions:

Rsync for Tasker is free to use and open source, licensed under the terms of the GPL. You can browse or download the source at the GitHub repository.

Download Version 0.15

Latest News

New Release: Rsync for Tasker 0.15

For full details and to download this release, see the Rsync for Tasker page.

New Release: Rsync for Tasker 0.14

For full details and to download this release, see the Rsync for Tasker page.