
Radio Downloader Issue

As far as I’m aware, all BBC Radio programmes are failing to download in Radio Downloader at the moment. This appears to have been caused by a change made at the BBC’s end around 11am yesterday morning. I’m assuming that this is intentional (although I may be wrong), as it doesn’t appear to be affecting the streaming iPlayer.

I’m looking in to it and I will post further information when I know more.

Issues 59 and 60 added to 8BS Online Conversion

I’ve made an update to the 8-Bit Software Magazine Online Conversion, which included adding Issues 59 and 60. I’ve also added support for LdPic format images, and updated the pages shown for programs to include links to download the disc image for the relevant issue.

New Release: BBC Graphics Viewer 2.0

This version adds support for LdPic format compressed images, as well as the existing memory dump image support. It also includes native support for 64-bit platforms and a number of internal enhancements.

For full details and to download this release, see the BBC Graphics Viewer page.

Radio Downloader 0.10.2

I’ve just released a minor update to Radio Downloader. The application code is unchanged from version 0.10, but I have updated the bundled Mplayer binary to a full build instead of the smaller one that I was using before.

This should resolve the issue that I previously mentioned with international users incorrectly getting AAC streams transcoded to mono.

Issues 61 and 62 added to 8BS Online Conversion

I’ve just added Issues 62 and 61 to the 8-Bit Software Magazine Online Conversion. As the amount of bugs I encounter adding each issue seems to be reducing, I’ve added two new issues this time.

Radio Downloader: BBC Radio in Mono

Just a quick update to let you know that I am aware that Radio Downloader is incorrectly producing mono files for some BBC Radio programmes for users outside of the UK.

I believe that I have found the cause and the fix is currently being tested. All being well, I hope to release an update which resolves the issue in a week or so.

Radio Downloader 0.10

Today I have released version 0.10 of Radio Downloader. This release removes the final dependencies on the BBC’s Real Audio streams by implementing re-encoding MP3 streams to different bitrates, and falling back to encoding AAC streams to MP3 if there are no MP3 streams available (such as currently for a number of episodes for users outside the UK).

For full details of what has changed in this release, please see the changelog.

Issue 63 added to 8BS Online Conversion

I’ve just added Issue 63 to the 8-Bit Software Magazine Online Conversion. I’ve not made any other changes or bug fixes to the conversion this time around.

BBC Radio in Radio Downloader Outside of the UK

I’ve recently become aware that most recently broadcast BBC Radio Programmes do not have either Real Audio or MP3 streams available for international users. This means that Radio Downloader is unable to download these programmes outside of the UK.

I’m currently working on a solution, and I hope to release an updated version which will fix the problems for international users in the next few weeks. This issue doesn’t affect UK based users.

Radio Downloader 0.8.4

I have just released version 0.8.4 of Radio Downloader. This is the second bugfix release in the 0.8 series, and does not include any new features.

The fixes in this release allow the most commonly reported MP3 download errors to display informative error messages. For full details, check out the changelog.

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